What the heck is The Cursing Hedgehog?!
The Cursing Hedgehog was born in Autumn 2003 during an art history lesson. The artist Milla Paloniemi “just felt like drawing it” and posted the first two strips on her web page. The comic became more and more popular and Paloniemi started to draw more and published the fisrt two albums by herself. The very first one was a real “zine” made with copymachine. In 2007 publishing house Sammakko published first The Cursing Hedgehog hard covered album in Finland and it became right away a best seller and also won the first award of Comics Finlandia.
The Cursing Hedgehog has been published since in many newspapers and merchandice. 9th album is published in Autumn 2023.
If you wish to publish The Cursing Hedgehog in your country or you know someone who wants to do that, please contact: milla(at)kiroilevasiili.fi
The fisrt two strips looked like this: